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Events We Love

Mussel Maniacs

Sat Nov 16 

Join Bria from Audubon Mid-Atlantic and Stacey from Fairmount Water Works for our monthly freshwater mussel measuring event! Sign up to measure mussels, water chemistry of the reservoir, and connect with other water conservation enthusiasts. This community science data will be used to help guide our mussel propagation program: growing freshwater mussels and placing them within the Delaware River watershed for filtration and cleaner water for all.

Registration is required in advance, please fill out the form below to sign up. This program is also designed for adult volunteers. Children age 12 and up can participate with an adult. For more information, contact Bria Wimberly at bria.wimberly@audubon.org or Stacey Heffernan at stacey.heffernan@phila.gov. Observation of the mussel measuring is open to all visitors!